
.06 Color








I don't know about anybody else, but this was a tough one. I had a hard time with it, so I apologize in advance if everybody hates me for this assignment. 

Here's my submission anyways.....

We really enjoyed the submissions this week--we just wish there were even more to enjoy!  Thank you everyone who turned in a photo-especially those for whom street photography is outside of your comfort zone.  This week we are not voting, but we still highly encourage everyone to give feedback in the comments.  Tomorrow we'll post a new assignment that's going to rock your socks!  


  1. fun photos, everyone! Color was challenging. I had to keep asking myself, am I taking this picture because the color is important or am I just taking a color picture? It gave me a new way to look at everything. Looks like tattoos were inspiring this week! ;) I especially like the contrast of warms and cools in Erin's photo and the overall motif of bubbly blue in Debbie's photo.

  2. I thought this challenge was a lot of fun and I loved seeing everyone's photos. I enjoy the symmetry between the reflection and the subject in Leslie's photo, the detail of the veiny arms in Peter's photo, and Debbie's catch of double bubble blue. Awesome. Jeff-I'd love to hear what exactly was going on here! and Nicole-extra points for finding a tat like that in Utah!

  3. Fun, once again. You were right, Peter, it WAS a challenging subject. And I thought I was the only one who felt that way! Jeff, I really like your hot pink & chartreuse hands-up collage. And Erin, I especially love the wistful setting of your montage. (Eva Liptak with red hair!) It captures a story-leaving one to wonder what the heck it is!
